The name ‘Sorig Khang’ is constituted of ‘Sorig’, short for ‘Sowa Rigpa’, and ‘Khang’, which means ‘center’ or ‘academy’.
Sowa Rigpa is the native name for Traditional Tibetan Medicine (TTM) or Himalayan Medicine – as we prefer to call it to avoid any cultural or political arguments.
Since 2007, Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa has been organizing courses together Sorig Khang International (SKY).
Web site (in inglese): www.sorig.net
Italian Blog: https://sowarigpablog.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sorigkhang.pomaia/?ref=bookmarks
Manuela Cernac (Local Manager Sorig Khang Pomaia) Tel. +39 346.4255050 – sorig.pomaia@gmail.com