
Events & News

25 July 2024

Ricordando Ghesce Yesce Tobden

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22 May 2024

Giorni straordinari alla presenza di Khandro Kunga Bhuma Rinpoche

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26 March 2024

Rinnovata la convenzione tra l’Università di Pisa e l’Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa

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8 March 2024

65° anniversario dell’insurrezione di Lhasa

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1 March 2024

Arrivederci Corrado, Professore e Maestro di Dharma

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8 February 2024

Lama Thubten Yeshe. Il fondatore del Dharma in Italia. Incontro con Massimo Corona

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31 December 2023

2024: per un nuovo anno di motivazione e azioni virtuose!

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13 December 2023

Da gennaio 2024 i Corsi di Tibetano organizzati da FPMT Italia

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1 December 2023

Una tesi di laurea fotografica all’Istituto: la testimonianza di Vittoria

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29 November 2023

Recitazione continua dei Nomi di Manjushri per il rapido ritorno di Lama Zopa Rinpoche

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19 October 2023

Laboratorio di costruzione nuovi stupa – Associazione Stupa Onlus

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19 October 2023

Stupa della Vittoria Completa per Lama Zopa Rinpoche al Monastero di Kopan

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16 September 2023

Arrivederci Jetsun Pema

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21 August 2023

Rigenerazione dei vasi della ricchezza e consacrazione delle nuove statue

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14 August 2023

Job Announcement For Search New Educational Program Coordinator (SPC)

JOB ANNOUNCEMENT FOR SEARCH FOR NEW EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM COORDINATOR (SPC) The Education Program Coordinator/SPC at the Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa is responsible for the planning and execution of all educational programs, practices, ceremonies, seminars, and special events that take place at the Centre. He or she will operate in strict...Read more

1 August 2023

Sua Eminenza Serkong Dorjee Chang Rinpoche

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29 July 2023

Ricordando Ghesce Yesce Tobden

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6 July 2023

Messaggio Compleanno di Sua Santità il Dalai Lama, 88 anni.

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28 June 2023

Diventa Operatore Liberation Prison Project Italia: Formazione

L’Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa ha il piacere di segnalare il Corso di formazione per Operatori Liberation Prison Project Italia, promosso per il quarto anno con il patrocinio e in collaborazione con l’UBI – Unione Buddhista Italiana come percorso formativo che abilita a essere operatori Liberation Prison Project Italia. Il corso...Read more

20 June 2023

Il Buddhismo e il Mare nell’Antropocene – Video di Lama Zopa Rinpoche

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18 May 2023

Offerta di 1.000 Buddha per la lunga vita di Sua Santità il Dalai Lama

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27 April 2023

Dichiarazione della FPMT a Sostegno di Sua Santità il Dalai Lama 

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20 April 2023

Recitazione delle preghiere per il veloce ritorno di Lama Zopa Rinpoche

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14 April 2023

Il prezioso arrivo di Jhado Rinpoche

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13 April 2023

Lama Zopa Rinpoche: Aggiornamenti e consigli

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29 March 2023

Al via da settembre 2023 il nuovo FPMT Basic Program

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2 February 2023

Europe stands with Tibet – 64° anniversario dell’insurrezione di Lhasa

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19 January 2023

Al via la nuova edizione di Alla Scoperta del Buddhismo – 2023/2024

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4 January 2023

Musica e cena tradizionale tibetana con l’ospite speciale Loten Namling

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26 December 2022

‘L’arte della felicità’ su Rai3 la prima docu-serie dedicata alle emozioni

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26 December 2022

Al via da febbraio 2023 il nuovo FPMT Masters Program

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24 December 2022

Newsletter: Calendario corsi, ritiri e attività di gennaio e febbraio 2023

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9 December 2022

Preghiamo per un rapido ritorno di Kyabje Rizong Rinpoche

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28 November 2022

Arrivederci Jetsun Pema “Madre del Tibet”.

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28 November 2022

Arrivederci a presto preziosissimo maestro Serkong Rinpoche

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26 November 2022

Ricordando l’amato Maestro Ghesce Ciampa Ghiatso

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24 November 2022

Uno speciale ritiro intensivo di Logica e Dibattito

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19 November 2022

Bentornato Serkong Tsenshap Rinpoche!

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8 November 2022

Saluti dal nuovo direttore Valerio Tallarico

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7 November 2022

Forever Tibet: L’Unione Buddhista Italiana presenta un evento eccezionale

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7 November 2022

Un preziosissimo incontro con Sua Santità il Dalai Lama 

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28 October 2022

Ricordando Khensur Ciampa Thegchog

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12 October 2022

Rigenerazione Vasi della ricchezza e realizzazione di nuovi

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4 October 2022

Il primo incontro europeo di SEE Learning – Social, Emotional and Ethical Learning

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20 September 2022

Ritiro annuale del Programma di Logica e Dibattito

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16 September 2022

Serkong Tsenshab Rinpoche – Visita e Insegnamenti 2022

Serkong Tsenshab Rinpoche Educazione del Pensiero e Igiene Emotiva un programma dell’istituto Lama Tzong Khapa Insegnamenti basati sul testo Le Chiare Parole di Chandrakirti commentario a il Fondamento della saggezza di Nagarjuna 21- 25 novembre 2022 Insegnamenti sulle due menti dell’illuminazione: Mente Convenzionale e ultima. Voti del bodhisattva 26 e 27 novembre 2022 Un incredibile opportunità di potere...Read more

15 September 2022

Serkong Tsenshab Rinpoche: Visit and Teachings 2022

Serkong Tsenshab Rinpoche Thought Education and Emotional Hygiene a program of Lama Tzong Khapa Institute Teachings based on the text The Clear Words of Chandrakirti commentary to Nagarjuna's Fudamental Wisdom. November 21-25, 2022 Teachings on the two minds of enlightenment: Conventional and Ultimate Mind. Bodhisattva vows November 26 and 27, 2022 An incredible opportunity to be able to...Read more

10 August 2022

Nuova pubblicazione: Freedom though Correct Knowing

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8 August 2022

#newsletter di agosto

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30 July 2022

Ricordando Ghesce Yesce Tobden

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25 July 2022

Chökor Düchen: Ricorrenza del Primo insegnamento di Buddha Shakyamuni

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8 July 2022

Comunicazione ai soci | saluti al direttore

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21 June 2022

In ricordo di Vilma Corona e del suo grande contributo per il Dharma

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10 June 2022

Preghiera di lunga vita e preghiere continue per Lama Zopa Rinpoce

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25 May 2022

Costruiamo insieme ponti di solidarietà! La tua firma per il 5×1000 e 8×1000

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24 May 2022

In ricordo di Khyongla Rato Rinpoche

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19 May 2022

Preghiere continue per la salute di Lama Zopa Rinpoche

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25 April 2022

Buon 33° Compleanno Sua Santità 11° Panchen Lama

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25 April 2022

Liberation Prison Project lancia il brano musicale Guardarsi Dentro

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31 March 2022

Newsletter: I corsi, i ritiri e le attività di aprile 2022

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6 March 2022

 LAMA ZOPA RINPOCHE in Live Streaming!

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1 March 2022

63° anniversario dell’insurrezione di Lhasa

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23 February 2022

Lama Zopa Rinpoche: Offerte per la Puja annuale di Lunga vita

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23 February 2022

Un ritiro speciale con la ven. Robina Courtin

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28 January 2022

The Courage of Compassion Meditation Retreat with Ven. Robina Courtin

The Courage of Compassion Meditation Retreat with Ven. Robina Courtin February 18-21, 2022 Venerable Robina Courtin will lead a meditation-retreat based on Chenresig, the Buddha of Compassion. Strength and practicality are the distinguishing features of Ven. Robina's way of teaching, and every advice she gives awakens people from laziness and inactivity of Dharma...Read more

27 January 2022

Al via la nuova edizione di La Logica e il dibattito. Partecipa all’Open Day

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28 December 2021

Corso di formazione: la consapevolezza del vivere e morire

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21 December 2021

I corsi e i ritiri durante queste festività e… un ringraziamento speciale!

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9 December 2021

Dalai Lama: 32° anniversario del conferimento del Premio Nobel per la Pace

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3 December 2021

Buon compleanno Lama Zopa Rinpoche

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22 November 2021

Ghesce Tenphel a Sophia – la filosofia in festa

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19 November 2021

Una nuova area verde per celebrare la giornata degli alberi

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2 November 2021

I tesori di Saggezza in una nuova collana editoriale di Nalanda edizioni.

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25 October 2021

Ricordando l’amato Maestro Ghesce Ciampa Ghiatso

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28 September 2021

Ritiro intensivo degli studenti del Programma La logica e il dibattito

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27 September 2021

Fabbrica dei nuovi Stupa e Benedizione di nuove Statue

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10 September 2021

Conclusa la Summer School UNIPI su “Consciousness and Cognition”

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9 September 2021

Mind Science Academy Conference. Reality Is Not As It Appears: A Joint Investigation between East and West.

We are pleased to announce that on September 18 and 19, 2021 there will be held at Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa the Mind Science Academy Conference entitled Reality Is Not What It Appears: A Joint Investigation between East and West. This event is organized by Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa in...Read more

13 August 2021

Grounds and Paths of the Secret Mantra – FPMT Basic Program

FPMT BASIC PROGRAM Next subject: Grounds and Paths of the Secret Mantra with Ven. Geshe Jampa Gelek We are pleased to announce the opening of applications for the next Basic Program subject: “Grounds and Paths of the Secret Mantra" with teacher Ven. Geshe Jampa Gelek. Daily teachings will...Read more

30 July 2021

Ricordando Ghesce Yesce Tobden

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14 July 2021

Chökor Düchen e giornata mondiale del Sangha

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5 July 2021

La favola della cavalla Jangchub, che vuol dire Illuminazione del Buddha

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24 June 2021

Closing Puja of the FMPT Masters Program’s lessons

On Friday, 18th of June 2021, there was the Closing Puja, in the Meditation hall, of the third FPMT Masters Program in Buddhist studies of sutra and tantra, which began in March 2015 at the Lama Tsong Khapa Institute; the next step for the students, after a two-month summer...Read more

23 June 2021

Thank You Letter For Ven. Geshe Tenzin Tenphel

The FPMT Basic Program's residential and on-line students, at the end of the period of study dedicated to the Fourth Chapter of the Ornament to Clear Achievements, wanted to thank with a homage master Geshe Tenzin Tenphel, who teached them for these last three years. The students will continue...Read more

10 June 2021

5×1000. Trasformiamo la tua firma in felicità condivisa

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28 May 2021

Corso di Formazione Operatori Liberation Prison Project Italia 2021

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21 May 2021

Giorno di Sakadawa – 26 Maggio 2021

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12 May 2021

“La gioia della Compassione” l’ultimo libro di Lama Zopa Rinpoche

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27 April 2021

Un importante aggiornamento sul progetto Maitreya a Bodhgaya

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23 April 2021

Buon 32° Compleanno Sua Santità 11° Panchen Lama

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22 April 2021

“L’etica ecologica come una nuova eco-spiritualità” di Andrea Serena

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22 April 2021

Amiamo il pianeta! Giornata Mondiale della Terra Earth Day 2021

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22 April 2021

Messaggio di Sua Santità il Dalai Lama per la Giornata della Terra 2021

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14 April 2021

Lama Zopa Rinpoche: second part of the official annual long life puja

Dear Friends, The second part of the official annual long life puja for 2020 will be offered on behalf of FPMT centers, projects, services, study groups, and students, to our most kind and immeasurably precious spiritual director, Lama Zopa Rinpoche, source of our inspiration and guidance, at Kopan Monastery, Nepal,...Read more

8 March 2021

62° anniversario dell’insurrezione di Lhasa – Programma delle attività

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24 February 2021

Saluti dal nuovo Direttore dell’Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa

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10 February 2021

Losar Tashi Delek – Schedule

Losar literally means New Year. The Losar festival in Tibet is the biggest occasion of the year. Celebrated with great fervor, the event is full of ancient ceremonies that commemorate the struggle between good and evil. Traditionally, Tibetan people go out into the streets, singing and dancing. A moment...Read more

1 February 2021

Riprese le lezioni del FPMT Basic Program

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25 January 2021

Ripresa delle lezioni del FPMT Masters Program

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22 January 2021

Noi non siamo Shantideva: Domande e risposte con Tenzin Ösel Hita

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9 January 2021

Emergenza Climatica: Feedback Loops – Conversazione e cortometraggi in live streaming

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21 December 2020

Per le festività restiamo insieme con gli Insegnamenti dei nostri Maestri

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18 December 2020

Scegli i regali solidali ILTK Shop

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10 December 2020

Lama Zopa Rinpoche: Offerte per la Puja annuale di Lunga vita

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10 December 2020

Dalai Lama: 31° anniversario del conferimento del Premio Nobel per la Pace

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3 December 2020

Buon compleanno, Lama Zopa Rinpoche!

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27 November 2020

Ricordando l’amato Maestro Ghesce Ciampa Ghiatso

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23 November 2020


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13 November 2020

Il Dalai Lama chiede un’azione urgente per il clima

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27 October 2020

Ricordando Khensur Ciampa Thegchog

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12 October 2020

Il cuore del sentiero. Vedere il guru come Buddha” l’ultimo libro di Lama Zopa Ripoche

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9 October 2020

Fabbrica dei nuovi Stupa e Benedizione di nuove Statue

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25 September 2020

Al via i lavori dell’assemblea dell’Unione Buddhista Europea

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18 September 2020

Come praticare giornalmente la Mente dell’Illuminazione

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14 September 2020

Ven. Tsultrim: Looking back at 11 years of living in Pomaia

Looking back at 11 years of living in Pomaia, at the Institute Lama Tzong Khapa: In September 2009 I arrived at the Institute as a newly ordained nun. Most fortunate, I could follow the Masters program where Khensur Jampa Tegchok was teaching the second module: The Middle Way – how...Read more

10 September 2020

Zaino in spalla e cammino in consapevolezza

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18 August 2020

In anteprima il video del singolo “Siddharta”

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4 August 2020

1.000 statue completate per la lunga vita di Sua Santità il Dalai Lama

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31 July 2020

Ricordando Ghesce Yesce Tobden

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21 July 2020

Chökor Düchen: Ricorrenza del Primo insegnamento di Buddha Shakyamuni

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7 July 2020

Il Dalai Lama: La sofferenza, la compassione e l’essere uno studente perenne

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26 June 2020

Tavolo per il dialogo con le confessioni religiose e le tradizioni spirituali

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13 June 2020

Meditazioni della mattina

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10 June 2020

5X1000 e 8X1000: Una scelta per creare felicità condivisa

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4 June 2020

Sua Santità il Dalai Lama Live Webcast Giugno – Traduzione Italiana

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27 May 2020

Sua Santità il Dalai Lama Live Webcast Iniziazione di Avalokiteshvara

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26 May 2020

Unione Buddhista Italiana – VESAK 2020 – Torniamo a vivere

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11 May 2020

Sua Santità il Dalai Lama Live Webcast la “Preziosa Ghirlanda” di Nagarjuna

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25 April 2020

Buon 31° Compleanno Sua Santità 11° Panchen Lama

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22 April 2020

Earth Day, Giornata Mondiale della Terra – 50° anniversario

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18 April 2020

Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s series of teachings from Kopan happening right now and why they are so important

A message from Ven Roger Kunsang: Dear Friends, These are challenging times with Covid 19, it brings many serious challenges to everyone, like the world has never seen before. It is important we support our FPMT family as much as we can. This is the reason that Rinpoche is offering these regular teachings,...Read more

27 March 2020

Il seme della compassione, lezioni di pace e compassione

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8 March 2020

Chotrül Düchen, il Giorno dei Miracoli

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2 March 2020

FPMT’s online Masters Program through the eyes of a student

Almost a month ago, the Lama Tzong Khapa Institute hosted the teachings of the 104th Ganden Tripa, Kyabje Jetsun Lobsang Tenzin Rinpoche, welcoming more than two hundred people from all over the world. With the Masters Program coming closer to its final module, the Grounds and Paths of the Secret...Read more

18 February 2020

Presentazione del libro “Ego, attaccamento e liberazione” di Lama Yeshe

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10 February 2020

KINTSUGI Il dolore che cura. Presentazione del libro con Gioacchino Ku Allasia

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1 February 2020

Giorni straordinari con la ven. Robina Courtin

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17 January 2020

Lama Zopa Rinpoche: Offerte per la Puja annuale di Lunga vita

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2 January 2020

Scegli di sostenere l’Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa

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20 December 2019

Giorno di Lama Tzong Khapa

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10 December 2019

Dalai Lama: 30° anniversario del conferimento del Premio Nobel per la Pace

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24 October 2019

Tour Dialogo per la Pace con Thubten Wangchen

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18 October 2019

Fabbrica dei nuovi Stupa e Benedizione di nuove Statue

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14 October 2019

Extraordinary Days with His Eminence 104th Gaden Tripa

This morning we met to say goodbye to our precious Master Gaden Tri Rinpoche, who's leaving for Austria. Happy and touched we showed our gratitude to Rinpoche, with a prayer of a very soon return to our Institute and with the wish he may remain till the end of...Read more

4 October 2019

Welcome back Precious Master Gaden Tri Rinpoche

His Eminence the 104th Gaden Tripa. highest authority of the Gelug tradition, arrived in Pomaia. Rejoice! It is an extremely rare and precious opportunity to know and receive initiations from such a great Master, especially during this year in which, all over the world is celebrating the 600th anniversary of...Read more

19 September 2019

Caffè: Il Carattere Vuoto di Conoscenza – Conferenza con il Prof. Kenneth Liberman

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13 September 2019

Uno stupa per i cavalli salvati da Aquila Nera Onlus

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5 September 2019

Presentazione del libro: GARUDA Lo zen e l’arte di fare surf

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24 July 2019

Corso di Perfezionamento in Epistemologie Comparate

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22 July 2019

Grazie di cuore Osel

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15 July 2019

“Harmony, Respect, Gratitude are the bases for a true Community” public talk with Tenzin Ösel Hita

The Lama Tzong Khapa Institute is pleased to invite you to the public talk with Tenzin Ösel Hita, on Sunday 21 July at 6.00 pm on the theme "Harmony, Respect, Gratitude, are the bases for a true Community". A precious opportunity to learn more about Ösel, who is in Italy ...Read more

17 June 2019

Concluso il 1° Corso di Formazione Operatori Liberation Prison Project Italia

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13 May 2019

SEE Learning: Il dono del Dalai Lama all’umanità

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9 May 2019

Connected Activities between the University of Pisa and Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa

It is with pleasure that we share the statement of the Professor Bruno Neri, professor of the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Pisa, concerning the joint activities between the University of Pisa and the Lama Tzong Khapa Institute, result of the scientific collaboration agreement signed between...Read more

25 April 2019


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24 April 2019

Bentornato Serkong Tsenshap Rinpoche!

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18 April 2019

Marko form Australia: One day in the life of a Basic Program student at the ILTK

It has been already one semester since the Basic Program started at the Institute Lama Tzong Khapa. As the second semester begins with the subject of “Tenets” and the daily schedule steadily unfolds, we decided to follow one of our students through a full day and get an insight...Read more

17 April 2019

Updates on ven. Geshe Tenzin Tenphel’s health

Monday 15 April We are happy to announce that Venerable Geshe Tenzin Tenphel will return to Pomaia this Wednesday, April 17 at around 12:00/12:30. We will gather in the courtyard in front of the house of the teachers to welcome him with a kata. We kindly ask everyone to respect the...Read more

16 April 2019

Eletto il nuovo Consiglio Direttivo dell’Unione Buddhista Italiana

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11 April 2019

Sua Santità il Dalai Lama sta bene

I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Read more

3 April 2019

Lancio mondiale del programma SEE LearningTM (Social, Emotional and Ethical Learning)

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2 April 2019

Preghiere per la Lunga Vita di Sua Santità il Dalai Lama

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2 April 2019

Corso di Formazione Operatori Liberation Prison Project Italia

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21 March 2019

Grazie di “cuore” al Dott. Maurizio Cecchini

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21 March 2019

Tibet: Presidio in occasione della visita di Xi Jinping in Italia

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13 March 2019

Lama Zopa Rinpoche a Madrid – Aprile 2019

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10 March 2019

60° anniversario dell’insurrezione di Lhasa

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28 February 2019

Da oggi il ven. Ghesce Tenzin Tenphel è cittadino italiano

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28 February 2019

Giornata inaugurale del Master in “Neuroscienze, Mindfulness e Pratiche Contemplative”

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21 February 2019

Un grande grazie a Mr Ngodup Dorjee

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29 January 2019

Masters Program nuovo soggetto: Pramanavarttika e Abhidarmakosha

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9 January 2019

Messaggio di saluto di Filippo Scianna. Il bilancio di questi anni di direzione

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1 January 2019

Educare il cuore – Sua Santità il XIV Dalai Lama

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17 December 2018

L’istituto Lama Tzong Khapa e l’Università di Pisa

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7 December 2018

Masters Program: Thanksgiving Puja at the end of Madhyamaka subject

On Tuesday, December 4, on end of Madhyamaka subject occasion, the Masters Program students offered a "Thanksgiving Puja" to Venerable Geshe Jampa Gelek, the teacher of the Program. With Lama Chopa and the Tsog offering, the students wanted to express their gratitude to Geshela for the precious and exceptional explanation...Read more

26 November 2018

Basic Program winter break

Greetings from Venerable Geshe Tenzin Tenphel and students of the FPMT Basic Residential Program. 22nd Thursday, the last lesson of the first subject "Mind and Cognition: How the Mind Works" was held. Best wishes to residential students who will take the final exam for the first module on 6th December...Read more

14 November 2018

Blessing and Consecration of Statues

A series of ceremonies will take place at the Institute from 2nd to 4th December, in a private form and guided by the resident teachers, Ven. Geshe Tenzin Tenphel and Ven. Geshe Jampa Gelek. At that time it will be possible to fill and bless the statues representing the...Read more

4 November 2018

“Tibetan prayer dog” il cane dei monasteri tibetani

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17 October 2018

La Fisica Quantistica incontra 
la Biodinamica Craniosacrale e il Buddhismo Tibetano.

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3 October 2018

Un saluto al Ven. Maestro Chogyal Namkai Norbu

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1 October 2018

Notizie sul Ven. Lama Monlam

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11 September 2018

MONK WITH A CAMERA – The Life and Journey of Nicholas Vreeland

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4 September 2018

Al via la quarta edizione del FPMT Basic Program

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3 September 2018

Ripresa delle lezioni del FPMT Masters Program

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22 August 2018

L’Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa è diventato area Cardio – Protetta

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16 August 2018

Ritiro estivo di Lam Rim

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20 July 2018

La visita di Ghesce Thupten Wangchuk

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11 June 2018

Puja di ringraziamento a conclusione del Basic Program 2015 – 2018

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23 April 2018

Giornata Mondiale del Libro

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6 April 2018

“Heart of Wisdom Retreat” Lama Zopa Rinpoche

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1 February 2018

Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa’s Residential Four-Year Basic Program

The FPMT Basic Program is an in-depth Buddhist education program designed by Lama Zopa Rinpoche and developed by FPMT Education Services. Olga Planken, FPMT’s In-depth Program Coordinator introduces the full-time residential Basic Program that will start in September 2018 at Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa (ILTK) in Italy: ILTK has a...Read more

22 January 2018

L’Arte della Felicità – nuova edizione 2018

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6 January 2018

Alla Scoperta del Buddhismo – nuova edizione

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26 December 2017

New Dalai Lama App

The Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama has released ‘Dalai Lama’, a new iPhone App now available for download at the Apple App Store With Dalai Lama stay up to date with what His Holiness is doing, his travels, and his teachings. Get official news, videos, and...Read more

28 November 2017

Il sito in italiano

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27 November 2017

Ricordando Ghesce Ciampa Ghiatso

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15 November 2017

Puja di Lunga vita per Lama Zopa Rinpoche

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17 October 2017

The interview: Farina from Munich to the Institute to study the Masters Program

- Farina, if you are not the youngest among the students of the 6-year Residential Masters Program, certainly you are one of the youngest. Was your decision a spontaneous, quick impulse, or the outcome of a long reflection? I am indeed the youngest. I wished to undertake Budddhist studies since...Read more

9 October 2017

The blessing of marine wildlife with Lama Zopa Rinpoche

The blessing of marine wildlife with Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Sea Shepherd, Lipu (Italian Society for Bird Protection) and Angelo Vaira, founder of the ThinkDog school, took place on a magnificent sunny day, 8 October 2017, at marina Cala de’ Medici. Lama Zopa Rinpoche boarded the Sea Shepherd’s Brigitte Bardot trimaran...Read more

17 August 2017

Basic Program last subject: Grounds and Paths of Secret Mantra – October 2 / December 15, 2017

Basic Program last subject:  Grounds and Paths of Secret Mantra October 2 – December 15, 2017 A Highest Yoga Tantra Initiation is needed to follow this subject either resident or online! Grounds and Paths of Secret Mantra offers a concise overview of the structure of the tantric path, widely renowned in Tibet as...Read more

11 August 2017

Visita Dalai Lama in Italia: online i programmi

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10 July 2017

Arrivederci Massimo, Big Love

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3 June 2017

Arrivederci Ven. Lobsang Dhonden

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22 May 2017

His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama in Florence: how to participate

We are pleased to announce that tickets for the event on September 19th, 2017, in Florence, with his Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama will be available starting at 12:00pm today, Monday, May 22nd. The ticket, which is a form of a contribution to organizational expenses, is €10 and will be...Read more

12 May 2017

The new Module of the Basic Program starts soon: Ornament for Clear Realization – Fourth Chapter

  From 12-29 June and 4–21 Sept. 2017 the new Module of the  Basic Program starts soon:  Ornament for Clear Realization - Fourth Chapter. The Ven. Geshe Tenzin Tenphel will highlight "The 37 practices harmonious with enlightenment!" It is possible to follow this module without having done the previous modules. The course is offered...Read more

10 May 2017

Il Dalai Lama a Firenze inaugura il Festival delle Religioni – 19 settembre 2017

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21 April 2017

Visita della Ven. Thubten Chodron

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19 April 2017


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12 April 2017

The Dalai Lama in Italy

We are very pleased to announce that His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama has accepted the invitation of Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa of Pomaia and will be in Tuscany from 19 to 21 September 2017. This visit will follow His Holiness’s stop in Sicily from 16 to 18 September,...Read more

27 February 2017

The interview: Keah from South Africa to study the Basic Program

- Keah, you come from South Africa. Your Country underwent a difficult change: first banned from the international community because of the apartheid and then, thanks to such outstanding persons as Nelson Mandela and Willem de Klerk, striving for a peaceful transition towards a multiethnic society. The Truth and...Read more

15 February 2017

Remembering Lama Yeshe

On the occasion of the Losar festivities, Monday the 27th February 2017, the Lama Tzong Khapa Institute is organising a day dedicated to Lama Yeshe's memory, who passed away during the Losar in 1984. On Sunday the 26th February, in the Mandala room, starting at 15.30 you are invited to “Remembering Lama...Read more

10 February 2017

Sostieni l’Istituto

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31 January 2017

8-Week Retreat with B. Alan Wallace

8-Week Retreat  "The Foolish Dharma of an Idiot Clothed in Mud and Feathers," "Buddhahood Without Meditation" & "The Fine Path to Liberation" with B. Alan Wallace. Location: Lama Tzong Khapa Institute, Tuscany, Italy From: April 3rd- May 30th, 2017. The daily schedule for the retreat consists of two hours each day, Monday-Saturday, of group...Read more

12 January 2017

MASTERS PROGRAM: Madhyamika – Study of the Middle Way

Madhyamika - Study of the Middle Way: from April 5th, 2017 to October 2018 "It is said that one accumulates more merits by studying the teachings whose explicit subject is emptiness, although one may still have doubt about it, than practicing the other five perfections for a hundred cosmic eons."...Read more

31 December 2016

Buon anno dall’Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa

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29 December 2016

Kalachakra 2017 a Bodhgaya – Sua Santità il Dalai Lama

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12 December 2016


LAMA ZOPA RINPOCHE 100 MILLION MANI RETREAT 4 OCTOBER - 5 NOVEMBER 2017 You can register as of January 25, 2017   The Lama Tzong Khapa Institute is pleased to announce that from October 4th to November 5th, 2017, Lama Zopa Rinpoche will lead the 100 million “OM MANI PADME HUM” mantra retreat here...Read more

11 December 2016

La Saggezza millenaria del Buddha attraverso i consigli pratici di un Lama Tibetano.

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22 November 2016

L’intervista: Bork dalla Germania per studiare il Basic Program

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21 November 2016

Tenzin Ösel Hita: il video dell’incontro

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17 November 2016

La Fabbrica degli STUPA – Cerimonia di Consacrazione dei nuovi 845 Stupa

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9 November 2016

WorkShock: la Felicità è una scelta

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4 November 2016

Mindfulwork: Mentre lavori vivi!

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26 October 2016

Incontro con Tenzin Ösel Hita

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29 September 2016

Costruiamo insieme i 1000 STUPA

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21 September 2016

L’intervista: Isabella, tra Masters Program e Conservatorio

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18 September 2016

Sua Santità il XIV Dalai Lama a Milano

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18 September 2016


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16 September 2016

Sua Santità il Dalai Lama a Strasburgo

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14 September 2016

Incontro con il Ven. Ciusang Rinpoche

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5 September 2016

Ripresa dei Programmi di Studio: Masters e Basic Program

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30 August 2016

Ritiro di Arya Tara Cittamani

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29 August 2016

La Biblioteca dell’Istituto ha aderito al Polo SBN web di Pisa

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26 August 2016

Emergenza Sisma Centro Italia – Raccolta alimentare e di materiale

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24 August 2016

Consigli per il terremoto da Lama Zopa Rinpoche

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23 August 2016


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15 August 2016

“The Light of the Path” ritiro con Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche

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27 July 2016

L’intervista: Ven. Marco, studente del Masters Program

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21 July 2016

Esposizione delle Reliquie di Sua Eminenza Kyabje Choden Rinpoce

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20 July 2016

I consigli in cento versi di Padampa Sangye

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11 July 2016

Principi buddhisti e attivismo sociale
 – conferenza con Jan Willis

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6 July 2016

Buon compleanno Tenzin Ghiatso, Sua Santità il XIV Dalai Lama

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4 July 2016

Visita e insegnamenti del Ven. Dagpo Rinpoce

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19 June 2016

Arrivederci Serkong Tsenshab Rinpoce

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