Remembering Lama Yeshe
On the occasion of the Losar festivities, Monday the 27th February 2017, the Lama Tzong Khapa Institute is organising a day dedicated to Lama Yeshe’s memory, who passed away during the Losar in 1984.
On Sunday the 26th February, in the Mandala room, starting at 15.30 you are invited to “Remembering Lama Yeshe” with Massimo Corona, Rosario Rizzi and Ven. Connie Miller and Siliana Bosa.
The program includes:
- a reading of a Lama Yeshe’s teaching, chosen and translated for this occasion (Massimo Corona)
- the projection of short videos which recall moments of Lama Yeshe’s life (Italian translation, Ven. Siliana Bosa)
- Knowing Lama Yeshe (Ven. Connie’s discourse)
All those who have known Lama Yeshe have the opportunity to become involved and tell their stories, sharing them with the rest of the room, making it possibile for everybody to relive the atmosphere of the special days spent together with this great loving Master.
Lama Thubten Yeshe was born in Tibet and at the age of six entered Sera Je Monastic University, Lhasa. He studied there until 1959 when the Chinese invasion of Tibet forced him into exile in India. Lama Yeshe continued to study and meditate in India until 1967 when, with his chief disciple Lama Thubten Zopa Rinpoce, he went to Nepal. Two years later and in order to teach Buddhism to Westerners, he established Kopan Monastery, near Kathmandu.
In 1974, the two Lamas began making annual teaching tours to the West, and as a result of these travels a worldwide network of Buddhist teaching and meditation centers l’FPMT began.
In 1984, after an intense decade of imparting a wide variety of teachings and inspiring many Westerners to engage in the study and practice of Buddhism, Lama Yeshe passed away at the age of forty-nine. He was reborn as, Ösel Hita Torres, in Spain in 1985, and recognized as the incarnation of Lama Yeshe by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama in 1986.
Lama Yeshe at the Lama Tzong Khapa Institute in 1983, with Ven. Robina Courtin and Connie Miller, and with the monastic Sangha.
Credits: Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive |