Let’s build the new Stupa dedicated to Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche.

To remember our kindest and most loving Guru Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche, unforgettable spiritual guide and lighthouse, and create causes for His swift return for His vast future endeavors, the Lama Tzong Khapa Institute is happy to announce the construction of a magnificent Stupa of Enlightenment with Rinpoche’s Sacred Relics. This type of Stupa, which commemorates the achievement of full Enlightenment with the Buddha’s victory over the maras that occurred under the bodhi tree in Bodhgaya (India), is similar to the one already built in memory of our other founder Lama Thubten Yeshe.

On their last trip to India in Dharamsala, President Lucia Landi and Director Valerio Tallarico had the extraordinary opportunity to present the project to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, who blessed the initiative and donated precious relics to be placed inside the new Stupa.

The monument being planned, will be more than 4 meters high and have a base of about 3 meters. The stupa will be placed within the Institute’s Stupa garden, where Lama Zopa Rinpoche so loved to circumambulate when he visited the Center, and where the four Stupas dedicated to the first two resident Masters, Geshe Yeshe Tobden and Geshe Chama Ghiatso, and to Geshe Rabten Rinpoche and Gomo Tulku are located.

The timing of the making of the Stupa will be determined by the directions of the Masters.
Rinpoche’s body is in fact subjected to a process of embalming, a different process than cremation. For this particular reason, the Stupa can only be built when Rinpoche has been reincarnated.

The circumambulation path of all five Stupas, will strengthen the place of purification and creation of merit, offering a wonderful opportunity even to those who will only see them. 

Through workshops organized at the Institute, everyone will have the opportunity to actively participate in the making of the Stupa’s many filling materials, such as the 25 types of mantras and tsa-tsa.

We Tell You About the Project

The estimated cost, for the construction of the Stupa, is about 85,000 euros (including vat). That amount includes the 24,000 euros (including vat) of resurfacing the entire area, where the current 4 Stupas are located. This estimate was provided by the humanitarian organization STUPA Onlus, which will carry out the work for about 20 years, STUPA Onlus has been engaged in the recovery of Tibetan and Himalayan tradition through activities of restoration of ancient Stupas, which possess great energetic power for World Peace.

The expenses of the new Stupa are related to the works required to build it, as well as landscaping, expenses for decorative painting and ornamental and filling works. Before and during construction, as per tradition, elaborate protective Pujas will be carried out for harmony, auspiciousness and to eliminate any kind of interference.

His Eminence Ling Rinpoche has promised to return to give teachings at the Institute in 2025 on the condition that the Stupa dedicated to Lama Zopa Rinpoche is completed so that it can be blessed. With your help we can do it!

Watch the video presentation of the Stupa project to His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Let us build it together!

Once again our precious Guru Lama Zopa Rinpoche has placed us in a position to accumulate merit, including through the valuable practice of generosity.

Join us today and actively support the making of this stupa by making  an offering.
We all have this great opportunity to contribute to the realization of this Stupa in order to promote His quick return.

Choose which element of the Stupa to sponsor! Even in part.



  1. Bronze peak of the stupa € 4,500
  2. Gao Nepal € 1,700
  3. Umbrella Nepal € 1,700
  4. Crystal sun € 220 (already sponsored)
  5. Saffron € 500
  6. Mantra printing paper € 1,000
  7. Fabric for mantra € 500
  8. 2 Rows of printed and colored lotuses € 1000
  9. Animal decorations, 2 peacocks, elephants, horses (€ 80+80+80) € 240
  10. Symbols among animals, 2 dorje, wheel, jewel (€ 50+30+30) € 110 (already sponsored)
  11. 2 Lions € 800
  12. Throne corner decorations (8 Pieces) € 160
  13. Gilding and coloring decorations € 1,000
  14. Gold leaves for top € 700
  15. Transparent painting bronze top € 600
  16. Realization tree of life € 300
  17. Miscellaneous reserve € 1000
  18. Lavender flowers € 1,250 (already sponsored)
  19. Construction work € 41,900
  20. Resurfacing floors around the 5 stupas € 24,000

from € 10

Every offering is welcome! We thank you on this page of the Institute’s website.

€ 1.000

THANK YOU! Your name will appear on all communication materials produced to tell about the Stupa.
For you, we have had one of 30 exclusive small golden stupas made, containing the Relics of Ven. Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche, which you can pick up at the Lama Tzong Khapa Institute.

€ 5.000

THANK YOU! Your name will appear on all communication materials produced to tell about the Stupa.
For you, a large stupa, previously placed at the Lama Yeshe Stupa, which you can pick up at the Lama Tzong Khapa Institute.



Filiale di Firenze, Viale Giovanni Amendola 10, 50121 Firenze
IBAN IT25 H 05018 02800 000012496204
Cod. bic/swift: CCRTIT2T84A
Cause: Stupa Lama Zopa Rinpoche Offering.

Frame the QR Code with your phone’s camera.

Once the spending goal is reached, all excess offerings will be allocated to the construction of the Stupa of Complete Victory for Lama Zopa Rinpoche at Kopan Monastery, for which we share the same spiritual goals for
Rinpoche’s speedy return for the benefit of all beings.

Help this project grow: Share and spread the word!

Lama Zopa Rinpoche: our unforgettable Master and Spiritual Guide

Lama Zopa Rinpoche (1945-2023)
Born in the Thami region of Nepal, he was a perfect example of a practitioner and meditator, known worldwide for his tireless and compassionate work for others. Rinpoche taught incessantly on almost every continent, and because of his extraordinary qualities and unique teaching style, he was one of the most internationally renowned masters of Tibetan Buddhism. A principal disciple of Lama Yeshe, he was co-founder and spiritual director of the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT), of which the Institute is a part.
Rinpoche has set in motion a host of Vast Visions for the FPMT organization that will span generations to accomplish. These include the proliferation of many charitable projects and beneficial activities
Rinpoche was also utterly dedicated to fulfilling the wishes of His Holiness the Dalai Lama wherever and whenever possible and held this to be an utmost priority for FPMT.

Lama Zopa Rinpoche as he circumambulates the stupas of the Lama Tzong Khapa Institute during the Retreat of 100 million mantra
OM mani padme hum which Rinpoche led in Pomaia, Oct. 4 to Nov. 5, 2017.

We thank you

Stefano Gaviglio, Manuela Ferro, Sharon Methvin, Roberto Cacciapaglia, Vincenzo Ragnano,Michele Velluti, Elena Delaini, silvia bellini, Mariacristina Zennaro, Fabrizio Papponetti, Stefano Bigi, Raffaella Conti, Barbara Gambardella, Emmanuela Iacona, Cristiana Spini, Sophie Prenez, Sophie Minon, Monica Fossi, Valentina Marchetti, Eleonora Dolara, Diego Zani, Paolo Cristini, Andrea Bernardo, Katharina Koppitz, Christian Steinert, Francesca Paoletti, Mariateresa Miraglia, Eloisa Guarracino, Elisa Salvadori, Patricia Weill, Eugenia Moratti, Francesco di Vara, Iva Venturi, Laura Maria Pezzenati, Giustina Sereno, Giuseppina Vincenzi, Marzia Fogli, Raffaella Rizzo, Giuseppe Cammarata, Francesco Morgante