Assemblea E.B.U. 2021 (at ILTK) – participation booking

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E.B.U.-Assemblea-23/26 Settembre2021

I campi segnati con asterisco* sono richiesti

For the ordinary order of Shanga has been ordered or reserved a reduction of 20% on accomodations' prices.

For board members accomodations have already been reserved.

Accomodation's reservation includes breakfast and meals at the Institute with vegetarian canteen.

Special needs for the food must be known at the time of re-booking with the reference.

If a friend of yours attends a course during the same period of time that you too will be in institute and you know that they would like to share a room, please tell us their name and ask them to do the same by pointing to yours in the form that will be filled in.

If you haven't a name to give us, you authorise us to assign a bed in your room to another participant of the same group.

This will allow us to better and safely manage the allocation of multiple accommodations.

Treatment of sensitive information

Lama Tzong Khapa Institute undertakes his users' privacy protection and to protect the personal data collected in accordance with the new "code on the protection of personal data" under article 13 of D.Lgs.196/03. Under the senses and at the effects of D.Lgs. 196/03 and s.m.i., the applicant allows the treatment of the data for direct pruposes  and related to the enrolment in the course of study. 

Based on the 2016/679 EU Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in force from 25/05/2018, the data is used exclusively for ordinary activities.
This data will not be shared, sold, rented or rented to third parties.

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