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Every experience is an opportunity for practice

Transforming the Mind through Recognizing the Faults of Self-Centeredness – from "The Wheel of Sharp Weapons"

Fifth Module

The Mahayana path is characterized by the Bodhisattva’s aspiration to become a Buddha for the sake of all beings.

The means to develop and enhance this extraordinary attitude are revealed in a genre of teachings, at once practical and radical, known as ‘mind training’, or ‘thought transformation’ (lojong). Dharmarakshita’s “Wheel of Sharp Weapons” is one of the most esteemed mind training teachings, and a powerful weapon to cut through our true enemies – the self-grasping and selfcherishing which oppose altruistic intent and prevent lasting happiness and peace.

The text on which ven. Geshe Tenzin Tenphel’s teaching will be based is part of the Basic Program curriculum. Therefore, these teaching are a great opportunity to get to know the contents of this study program, which will have a new start in September 2018.

Meditation sessions will be integrated into the teachings, supporting the understanding and practical application of the theoretical subjects.

The teachings will also be available in English. We kindly ask you to bring a radio and earphones with you, in order to be able to listen to the English translation.

The course begins at 20.30 of the first day and finishes at 13.00 of the last day.

The complete calendar:

  • 9-11 March – First Module
  • 20-25 April – Second Module
  • 8-10 June – Third Module
  • 27-29 July – Fourth Module
  • 17-26 August– Retreat
  • 21-23 September – Fifth Module

For a better understanding of the text and for facilitating the contemplation of the benefits that derive from ven. Geshe Tenphel’s explanations, it is recommended to participate at all the teaching modules. It is possible, nonetheless, to sign up for single modules.

The participants are kindly invited to be sensible about the mobile phone and limit its use, paying attention to:

  • turn it off during the teachings;
  • use the vibration mode during their stay;
  • keep their voice down, especially in the common areas.

For those who choose accomodation at the Institute or at the Borgo, the course is upon free offer.

For those who only attend the course, a 30 € minimum offer is recommended.

The audio recordings of the teachings will be available on the e-learning platform of the ILTK study programs. This material will be accessible by means of a password, once each module will be completed in the Institute.

How you can have access to the recordings:

  • for those who attend the teachings and stay in the Institute, the access will be offered. When doing the check-in at the reception, you will be given a document containing the password and the instructions for the access. The password will be automatically activated on the Wednesday following the completion of the teachings module in the Institute.
  • those who attend the teachings in the Institute can request the access to the recordings at the reception, paying 30€. You will be given a document containing the password and the instructions for the access. The password will be automatically activated on the Wednesday following the completion of the teachings module in the Institute.
  • those who cannot attend the course in the Institute can request the access to the recordings of a single teachings module, filling in the form.

Advantages for the supporting and benefactor members: it is reminded that the supporting and benefactor members can listen to the teachings in direct streaming.


Ven. Geshe Tenzin Tenphel

Geshe Tenphel (1965) was born to a nomadic agricultural family in Domo, Tibet, near the province of Sikkim, India. In 1959, with the Chinese invasion of Tibet, Geshe Tenphel’s family fled to Sikkim and later to south India.
Geshe Tenphel became a monk when he was nine years old, but continued studying at the local secular school while memorizing Buddhist scriptures in his holidays. He entered Sera Je monastery at the age of 17, where he completed 21 years of a monastic scholastic education, graduating with honors in 1994, with a Lharam Geshe degree, the highest Tibetan Buddhist doctorate conferred in the Gelug tradition. Geshe Tenphel studied tantra at Gyu To Tantric College for a year before being asked to take part in an international tour of Sera Jey monks. In 1997 he led the group of monks at Sera Je specialized in practices related to Hayagriva.
Since January 1998 he has been resident teacher at Lama Tzong Khapa Institute, where he teaches numerous short courses, as well as the Basic Program and Masters Program.


8 February 2019 | 20:30
10 February 2019 | 12:30
Sito web:
Offerta minima consigliata
30 €


Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa
via Poggiberna 15
Pomaia, Santa Luce (PI), 56040 Italia

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050 685654
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