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Ritiro di familiarizzazione alla pratica di Tara Bianca

6° incontro


Ven. Ghialten Ciötso (Daniela Brandstetter)

Ven. Gyälten Chötso (Daniela Brandstetter) met the Dharma while studying Biology at university in Bologna, taking refuge with Ven. Geshe Tenzin Tenphel in 1998. In spring 1999 she met Ven. Khube Rinpoche, who became her main teacher. In January 2008, she left her profession as a biologist and moved to the Lama Tzong Khapa Institute (ILTK Pomaia, Pisa) where she completed the FPMT Masters Program 2008-2013, the international program of advanced sutra and tantra studies in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. She received monastic ordination in India at Sera Je Monastery from H.E. Kyabje Choden Rinpoche in December 2008. In February 2022, she received her Master’s degree in Neuroscience, Mindfulness and Contemplative Practices from the University of Pisa in collaboration with ILTK.

She is a FPMT (Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition) registered teacher and MBI Instructor. For ILTK, she has led courses such as the ABC of Meditation, Buddhism in a nutshell, Discovering Buddhism, and tutored courses for the Geshes and the FPMT Masters Program. Alongside her teaching activities, she is mainly dedicated to translating Dharma texts for the ILTK FPMT Basic and Masters Programs


1 November 2022 | 18:00
6 November 2022 | 12:30
Offerta minima consigliata
€ 60


Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa
via Poggiberna 15
Pomaia, Santa Luce (PI), 56040 Italia

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050 685654
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