Khandro Kunga Bhuma Rinpoche Event: Visit and Teachings 2024

Lama Tzong Khapa Institute is happy to announce the visit of Khandro Kunga Bhuma Rinpoche from May 17 to 19, 2024.

Out good fortune begins with her teachings on the Union of Bodhicitta and Emptiness on May 17 and 18, which can be attended in person at Lama Tzong Khapa Institute.

Then, on the morning of Sunday May 19, Khandrola will confer the Tara Long Life Empowerment, practice from His Holiness the 5th Dalai Lama, which can only be attended in person.
Translations available in Italian, English, French, Spanish, Chinese and Portuguese. Please go to “What to Bring” section for the important instructions on how to follow the translation.

Please find a detailed programme and other useful information below.

Lama Tzong Khapa Institute strongly wishes to offer this event without charging a fee and is joyfully committed to taking care of everything associated with Khandro-la’s visit. However, organising such an event requires a great deal of resources and so we kindly ask for your valuable contribution through a voluntary offering, which can be made via the methods described below. Thank you.


Teachings on the Union of Bodhicitta and Emptiness (In-person and live streaming). 

  • Friday, May 17, 2024
    4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
  • Saturday, May 18, 2024
    9:30 – 11:30 a.m.
    4:00 – 6:00 p.m
    Jigten Wantchunk Tsog
    6:30 p.m

Tara Long Life Empowerment (Exclusively in-person. No live streaming). 

  • Sunday, May 19, 2024
    10:00 – 12:00 a.m.

Download Prayer Book:

Khandro-la is the State Medium of the Tenma Oracle (Tenma Goddesses are twelve guardian deities in Tibetan Buddhism). The title given to her by His Holiness the Dalai Lama is “Rangjung Neljorma” – self-generated dakini.

“His Holiness the Dalai Lama is the creator of happiness for all sentient beings,” said Lama Zopa Rinpoche “Khandro-la’s responsibility is to serve His Holiness. She came from Tibet to serve His Holiness. You know, without her I think we would probably experience a very difficult time.” Khandro-la faced incredible difficulties when she left Tibet, and becoming a refugee to try to meet His Holiness was a path with great obstacles. She is now a sought-after spokesperson around the world for her wisdom, compassion, light and love.

Visit the official website:

During your stay at the Institute, it would be useful to bring the following:

    ITALIAN: In the hall the languages will be Italian and Tibetan. Therefore, to follow the Italian and Tibetan translation, it is not necessary to have electronic devices.
    OTHER LANGUAGES: To follow the event with English, French, Spanish and Portuguese translation, please remember to bring a cell phone or tablet equipped with the latest version of the ZOOM application and internet connection + earphones mandatory for listening
  • A digital device to consult any practice materials made available and thus avoid printing on paper.
  • A personal cup and water bottle (also available at the ILTK Shop)
  • A blanket / shawl;
  • Comfortable clothing;
  • The areas surrounding the Institute are not completely lit; therefore, it is recommended to bring a good flashlight for the evenings;
  • Shoes suitable for the countryside;
  • May weather can be variable, so we suggest: a hat, a waterproof windbreaker, shoes suitable for mud, an umbrella;
  • Wi-Fi: Free and available to guests all day inside the main building.
  • Stores in the village of Pomaia are within a 5-minute walk and are stocked with essentials. There is a pharmacy that opens in half-day shifts six days a week: information on site.


• Please note that photographing the event and taking any kind of audio/video footage is prohibited during the teachings. Only ILTK authorised personnel will be allowed to take photos and audio/video footage.
• Phones will be allowed only for use of the radio. Those who do not comply will be asked to leave the hall.
• Please remember not to leave unattended objects inside the hall and to take them with you at the end of each session.
• No shoes are allowed inside the teaching hall; please remove your shoes prior to entering and store them neatly in the shoe-racks provided.
• For more information on what to bring please see the relevant section on the main event page

Thank you for your understanding and kind cooperation.


We have reached the maximum number of participants in attendance.



Please take note: Initiations from May 17-18 will be live streamed.
The Tara Long Life Empowerment, May 19, will be exclusively in-person. No live streaming.

Having the precious opportunity to receive teachings and a Jenang from Khandro Tseringma Rinpoche is a great blessing for the benefit of all. This is only made possible through the generosity of those who make offerings. At Lama Tzong Khapa Institute, we try our best to offer the most affordable prices so that everyone can attend.