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Noi siamo Natura

Ritiro di Ecodharma condotto da David R. Loy

L’ecodharma è una combinazione della cura per le questioni ecologiche (eco) con gli insegnamenti del buddhismo e delle tradizioni spirituali connesse (dharma).

L’Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa è felice di ospitare il primo ritiro in Italia di Ecodharma condotto da David Robert Loy, professore, scrittore e insegnante di Zen, dal 25 sera (giorno di ritrovo) al 30 settembre 2022.

Durante il ritiro esploreremo l’interconnessione con la Terra, madre e maestra, lavoreremo sulle pratiche di Ecodharma e sul significato di EcoSattva.

In Natura i nostri pensieri diventano più chiari, il cuore più libero, la mente più vigile. L’equilibrio e l’armonia del mondo naturale favoriscono il contatto con la nostra autenticità: in Natura ri-orientiamo la consapevolezza di chi e cosa siamo. Andiamo all’essenza, realizziamo che non abbiamo bisogno d’altro.

Il testo base di questo percorso è Ecodharma. Insegnamenti buddhisti per affrontare la crisi ecologica di David Loy pubblicato recentemente da Ubiliber. Attraverso un’esposizione lucida delle questioni ambientali e un’attualizzazione degli insegnamenti buddhisti, David Loy invita a un reale risveglio. Questo significa non solo impegno sociale come individui che aiutano altri individui, ma trovare soluzioni ai problemi strutturali della politica, dell’economia e della giustizia sociale, che stanno alla base dell’eco-crisi. Svincolare l’obiettivo dell’illuminazione da un modello esclusivamente individualistico. Perché la crisi ecologica è anche una crisi spirituale collettiva, e un potenziale punto di svolta nella nostra storia.

Il professor Loy ci incoraggia a intraprendere il sentiero per diventare bodhisattva/ecosattva, concentrandosi su tre aspetti cruciali: la pratica nella natura, l’esplorazione delle ricadute ecologiche degli insegnamenti buddhisti, la realizzazione di questa comprensione nell’ecoattivismo a cui oggi siamo chiamati.

La nostra interdipendenza con la Terra significa che non possiamo perseguire il nostro benessere a costo del suo benessere. Quando gli ecosistemi della Terra si ammalano, si ammalano anche i nostri corpi e le nostre società.

Il ritiro annuale, insieme ai corsi il Viaggio nell’Ecodharma e l’EcoSattva Training, rientra nel percorso dell’Agenda Ecologia dell’Unione Buddhista Italiana  volto a coltivare una risposta alla crisi ecologica fondandosi sugli insegnamenti e le pratiche della tradizione buddhista.

Il programma del ritiro

Domenica 25

Fino alle ore 18:00 : Check-in e registrazioni

19:30: Cena del Sangha con David Loy

Da lunedì 26 a giovedì 29

7:00-8:00: Meditazione

8:30-9:00: Colazione

9:30-12:15: Conversazioni di Dharma, conversazioni + sessioni intervallate di
Meditazione in natura (seduti e camminando)

12:30: Pranzo

15:30-19:00: Discorsi di Dharma, conversazioni + sessioni intervallate di
Meditazione in natura (seduti e a piedi)

17:30: Pausa al Giardino del Tè

19:30: Cena

21.00: Attività della comunità

Venerdì 30 Settembre

7:00-8:00: Meditazione

8:30: Colazione

9:30-12:15: Discorso sul Dharma, conversazioni e sessioni intervallate di Meditazione in natura (seduta e camminata)

12:30: Pranzo



David Loy

David Loy

David Robert Loy è uno studioso americano, autore e insegnante autorizzato nella stirpe Zen di Sanbo del buddismo Zen giapponese.

Il principale interesse di ricerca di Loy è il dialogo tra buddismo e modernità, in particolare le implicazioni sociali degli insegnamenti buddisti. Oltre alle lezioni accademiche, offre seminari e conduce ritiri di meditazione negli Stati Uniti e a livello internazionale.

Loy ha conseguito un Master in filosofia asiatica presso l’Università delle Hawaii nel 1975 e il suo dottorato di ricerca. in filosofia nel 1984 presso l’Università Nazionale di Singapore.

È stato tutor senior nel Dipartimento di Filosofia dell’Università di Singapore dal 1978 al 1984.

Nel 1990 Loy è stato nominato professore di filosofia e religione alla Bunkyo University di Chigasaki, in Giappone, fino a gennaio 2006, quando ha accettato la Besl Family Chair of Ethics / Religion & Society, un appuntamento in visita con la Xavier University di Cincinnati, Ohio, che si è concluso a settembre 2010 .

Nel giugno 2014 Loy ha ricevuto un dottorato onorario dal Carleton College, sua alma mater, per i suoi contributi al buddismo in Occidente. Nell’aprile 2016, Loy ha restituito la laurea ad honorem al Carleton College per protestare contro gli investimenti dell’istituzione in organizzazioni produttrici di combustibili fossili.
Loy offre lezioni, seminari e ritiri su vari argomenti, concentrandosi principalmente sull’incontro tra buddismo e modernità: ciò che ciascuno può imparare dall’altro. È particolarmente preoccupato per le questioni sociali ed ecologiche.

Oltre a numerosi articoli accademici e articoli popolari, Loy è autore di numerosi libri sulla filosofia comparata e sull’etica sociale, tra cui: Nonduality: A Study in Comparative Philosophy (New Haven, Conn: Yale University Press, 1988).  Mancanza e trascendenza: il problema della morte e della vita in psicoterapia, esistenzialismo e buddismo (Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey: Humanities Press, 1996). Una storia buddista del West: Studies in Lack (SUNY Press, 2002). The Great Awakening: A Buddhist Social Theory (Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2003). The Dharma of Dragons and Daemons: The Buddhist Themes in Modern Fantasy (Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2004). Co-autore con sua moglie Linda Goodhew. Denaro, sesso, guerra, karma: note per una rivoluzione buddista (Wisdom Publications, 2008). Consapevolezza legata e illimitata: saggi buddisti (SUNY Press, 2009). Il mondo è fatto di storie (Wisdom Publications, 2010). Un nuovo percorso buddista: illuminismo, evoluzione ed etica nel mondo moderno (Wisdom Publications, 2015). Ecodharma: Insegnamenti buddisti per la crisi ecologica. Traduzione di Andrea Libero Carbone (Ubiliber, 2022).

Ecodharma: Insegnamenti buddisti per la crisi ecologica.
Ubiliber, 2022.

preoccupato per le questioni sociali ed ecologiche. Loy è autore di numerosi libri sulla filosofia comparata e sull’etica sociale, tra cui Ecodharma: Insegnamenti buddisti per la crisi ecologica (Ubiliber, 2022.)


David Robert Loy is a professor, writer, and teacher in the Sanbo tradition of Japanese Zen Buddhism. A student of Yamada Koun and Robert Aitken, he was authorized to teach in 1988 and leads retreats and workshops nationally and internationally. He is author of EcoDharma: Buddhist Teachings for the Ecological Crisis and A New Buddhist Path: Enlightenment, Evolution, and Ethics in the Modern World, and he is co-editor of A Buddhist Response to the Climate Emergency. He is also director and vice-president of the Rocky Mountain Ecodharma Retreat Center.

Zen studies:
In 1971, he began practicing Zen with Yamada Koun Roshi and  Robert Aitken in Hawaii.
In 1984 Loy moved to Kamakura, Japan to continue Zen practice with Yamada Koun Roshi, director of the Sanbo Kyodan.
He completed formal koan study in 1988 with Yamada Koun and received the dharma name Tetsu-un, “Wisdom Cloud”.
Academic career
Loy’s main research interest is the dialogue between Buddhism and modernity, especially the social implications of Buddhist teachings.
Loy received an M.A. in Asian philosophy from the University of Hawaii in 1975, and his Ph.D. in philosophy in 1984 from the National University of Singapore.
He was a senior tutor in the Department of Philosophy at the National University of Singapore from 1978 to 1984.
In 1990 Loy was appointed professor of philosophy and religion at Bunkyo University in Chigasaki, Japan until January 2006, when he accepted the Besl Family Chair of Ethics/Religion & Society, a visiting appointment with Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio that ended in September 2010.
In June 2014 Loy received an honorary doctorate degree from Carleton College, his alma mater, for his contributions to Buddhism in the West. In April 2016 Loy returned his honorary degree to Carleton College to protest the institution’s investment in fossil fuel-producing organizations.
Loy offers lectures, workshops, and retreats on various topics, focusing primarily on the encounter between Buddhism and modernity: what each can learn from the other. He is especially concerned about social and ecological issues.
In addition to many scholarly papers and popular articles, Loy is the author of several books on comparative philosophy and social ethics, including:
Nonduality: A Study in Comparative Philosophy (New Haven, Conn: Yale University Press, 1988). A softcover reprint edition was published by Humanities Press in 1997. A softcover reprint edition was also published in 2019 by Wisdom Publications, with the revised title Nonduality: In Buddhism and Beyond. A German language edition (translation by Clemens Wilhelm) was published as Nondualität: Über die Natur der Wirklichkeit by Krüger, Frankfurt, in 1998. A Spanish language edition (translation by Fernando Mora and David Gonzalez Raga) was published as No dualidad by Kairos Press in 2000. Reviewed by Robert Zeuschner and by Karl H. Potter.
Lack and Transcendence: The Problem of Death and Life in Psychotherapy, Existentialism, and Buddhism (Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey: Humanities Press, 1996). Awarded the 1999 Frederick J. Streng Book Prize by the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies, for best book of the year. A softcover edition was published by Humanity Books (an imprint of Prometheus Press) in 2000. (review review 2)
A Buddhist History of the West: Studies in Lack (SUNY Press, 2002).
The Great Awakening: A Buddhist Social Theory (Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2003). A Spanish language edition (translation by Vicente Merlo) was published as El Gran Despertar: Una teoria social budista by Kairos Press in 2004. A Czech translation was published as Velke Probuzeni by Eugenia Press in 2006.
The Dharma of Dragons and Daemons: Buddhist Themes in Modern Fantasy (Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2004). Co-authored with his wife Linda Goodhew. Finalist for the 2006 Mythopoeic Scholarship Award in Myth and Fantasy Studies.
Money, Sex, War, Karma: Notes for a Buddhist Revolution (Wisdom Publications, 2008). Translated and published in Spanish, Italian, French, Dutch, Korean, Thai, Japanese, and Estonian.
Awareness Bound and Unbound: Buddhist Essays (SUNY Press, 2009).
The World Is Made of Stories (Wisdom Publications, 2010).
A New Buddhist Path: Enlightenment, Evolution, and Ethics in the Modern World (Wisdom Publications, 2015).
Ecodharma: Buddhist Teachings for the Ecological Crisis (Wisdom Publications, 2019).
Nonduality focuses on the nonduality of subject and object in Buddhism, Vedanta, and Taoism, with reference to several Western thinkers including Wittgenstein and Heidegger. The main argument is that these three Asian systems may be different attempts to describe the same (or very similar) experience. The categories of Buddhism (no self, impermanence, causality, eightfold path) and Advaita Vedanta (all-Self, time and causality as maya, no path) are “mirror images” of each other. Ultimately it becomes difficult to distinguish a formless Being (Brahman) from a formless nonbeing (shunyata). Buddhism can be understood as a more phenomenological description of nonduality, while Vedanta is a more metaphysical account.
Lack and Transcendence: The Problem of Death and Life in Psychotherapy, Existentialism, and Buddhism brings the three traditions together in a synthesis receptive to the insights of each regarding the fundamental issues of life and death and death-in-life. The Buddhist denial of a substantial self implies that our basic problem is not fear of death but fear that we don’t really exist. In response, we become obsessed with “reality projects” (compare Becker’s “immortality projects”) that often make things worse. Later chapters explore the philosophical and psychological implications.
A Buddhist History of the West is not a history of Buddhism in the West but a Buddhist perspective on the development of Western civilization. The Buddhist claim that the (sense of) self is haunted by a (sense of) lack has important historical implications, affecting the ways that (for example) freedom, progress, science, economic and political development have been understood and pursued.
The Great Awakening: A Buddhist Social Theory develops the social implications of Buddhist teachings for our understanding (and response to) collective forms of dukkha (suffering). Today the “three poisons” – greed, ill will, and delusion – have been institutionalized. There are discussions of poverty, economic development, and corporate capitalism; Buddhist perspectives on the war on terror, our criminal justice system, and the connection between Zen and war; and essays addressing technology, deep ecology, and our relationship with the biosphere.
The Dharma of Dragons and Daemons: Buddhist Themes in Modern Fantasy examines the ways that spiritual themes (for example, good and evil, sin and redemption, friendship, time, war and violence, creativity, the meaning of life, the meaning of death) are treated in some of the classics of contemporary fantasy: The Lord of the Rings, Ende’s Momo, the anime of Hayao Miyazaki, Pullman’s His Dark Materials, and Le Guin’s Earthsea.
Money, Sex, War, Karma: Notes for a Buddhist Revolution is a series of short essays that begins with the essential teaching of the Buddha: the connection between suffering and the delusive (sense of) self, usually experienced as a sense of lack. Subsequent essays discuss the implications for the ways we understand money, fame, karma, food, sexuality and romantic love, consumerism, ecology, war, and social engagement.
Awareness Bound and Unbound: Buddhist Essays is a collection of related essays on Buddhist and comparative issues, including language, truth and deconstruction; Taoism, Christianity (Swedenborg, The Cloud of Unknowing), and postmodernism; the karma of women; violence, the clash of civilizations, and the war on terror.
The World Is Made of Stories is a sequence of “micro-essays” and quotations that offer a new way of understanding Buddhism and a new Buddhist understanding of the Way, consistent with what Buddhism says about the human predicament and how it can be resolved. If the self is composed of the stories one identifies with and attempts to live, karma is not what the self has but what the sense of self becomes, as we play habitual roles within stories perceived as objectively real.
A New Buddhist Path is in three parts, which address the meaning of enlightenment, the nature of evolution, and the nonduality of individual and social transformation.
Ecodharma: Buddhist Teachings for the Ecological Crisis addresses the ecological implications of Buddhist teachings for our present situation. German and Spanish translations are forthcoming.
Loy is also the editor of  Healing Deconstruction: Postmodern Thought in Buddhism and Christianity (Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press, 1996), with essays by Roger Corless, Philippa Berry, Morny Joy, Robert Magliola, and David Loy; and the co-editor (with John Stanley and Gyurme Dorje) of  A Buddhist Response to the Climate Emergency (Wisdom Publications, 2009), which includes contributions by the 14th Dalai Lama, Thich Nhat Hanh, the 17th Karmapa, Robert Aitken, Joanna Macy, Bhikkhu Bodhi, Joseph Goldstein, Matthieu Ricard, Lin Jensen, and many others.
Loy appears in the 2003 documentary Flight From Death, a film that investigates the relationship of human violence to fear of death, as related to subconscious influences. He also appears in two documentary films by the Planetary Collective: Overview and Planetary.


25 Settembre 2022 | 18:00
30 Settembre 2022 | 15:00


Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa
via Poggiberna 15
Pomaia, Santa Luce (PI), 56040 Italia
050 685654
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